The session will then focus on the strategic role the closest level of government in the implementation of DEAR activities and SDG localisation. A panel of experts will describe key enablers and the approaches taken by their entity to involve their public policies and citizens towards an inclusive, city-wide transformation to sustainable development and achievement of the 2030 agenda.
To facilitate an intense exchange and peer-learning among EU LRG and support and empower them to join their voice and action, AFFCRE , Bilbao city council, Bordeaux Metropole, Bristol City Council , Eurocities, FELCOS , European Union Programme-eurosociAL+, IMVF, Latvian Association of Local and regional governments, Platforma ,VVSG and FAMSI, leading the partnership, will initiate a constructive dialogue to encourage the uptake of practices and similar actions to boost local action for implementing the SDGs and consolidating partnerships and cooperation models.
14.30- 15.15: “Localizing SDG in local public policies”
We will address how the role of LRGs is crucial in monitoring and implementing the SDGs. The localization of SDGs through the LRG is the key to drive a model change that will achieve a more sustainable present and future for all people.
15.15-16.00h: “The role of education for sustainable development in promoting SDG in their territory (DEAR)”
This block aims to present and contribute to exchanges of experiences based on the promotion of the SDGs through education for sustainable development in order to foster and inform in addition to make aware and involve citizenship with the Agenda 2030.
We hope it to be an interesting and innovative session in which we will exchange and share different points of view about SDGs, DEAR and decentralised cooperation. Join us!
Manuel Redaño González, General Manager, FAMSI_ Andalusian Fund of Municipalities for International Solidarity, Spain.
Oihane Aguirregoitia, Councillor for Public Services, Civic
Engagement and Internationalization, Bilbao City Council, Spain.
Rita Biconne, SDGs Localisation and Territorial Planning Unit
Coordinator, FELCOS Umbria, Italy.
Caroline Bourhis, Head of service for awareness-raising,
support and participation of the public. Department of Energy, Ecology
and Sustainable Development, Bordeaux Métropole, France.
Lur Fernandez Salinas, DEAR Project Officer, PLATFORMA, Belgium.
Agustí Fernández de Losada, Specialist EUROsociAL+Programme,
European Union, Spain.
Francisco Gonçalves, President of RICD and Deputy Mayor, Rede
Intermunicipal de Cooperação para o Desenvolvimento, Portugal.
Félix Henou, Policy Officer to the Managing Director, French
Association of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions
(AFCCRE), France.
Elita Jermolajeva, Head of Development Department, Preiļi
municipal council, Latvia.
Allan Macleod, SDG Research and Engagement Associate, Bristol
City Office, United Kingdom. (from 20:08 in webstream)
Mien Van Olmen, Mayor, Citu of Herentals_ Association of
Flemish Cities and Municipalities (VVSG), Belgium.
Heleen Voeten, Staff member of international department and SDG
focal point, Flemish Association for Cities and Municipalities, Belgium
Click here to watch webstream of workshop from 5th October 2020