The European Commission has just confirmed that EU Green Week
event that was due to take place between 2nd and 5th June 2020 has
been postponed until the Autumn. The event forms the focus of a bid
for a joint exhibition stand by UDITE and VEOLIA under the banner of
biodiversity and how local authorities through their projects,
decisions and partnerships with private and community sector. .
In its statement the Commission has underlined that the health, safety and wellbeing of everyone who attends Green Week is their top priority. Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, there have been questions about the likelihood of this years' event taking place. Due to the current situation and the uncertainties about how long it may continue, the European Commission has been decided to postpone Green Week to 20-22 October 2020. It will be held in a different venue, the Square, the Brussels Convention Centre near the Central Station of Brussels.
It will be a slightly shorter event than the one foreseen for June, taking place over three days instead of four. It will also have a slightly different focus, taking into account the green recovery aspect. So, it will still highlight the contribution biodiversity makes to society and the economy, but also the role it can play in supporting and stimulating recovery in a post-pandemic world , creating jobs and sustainable growth. This is in fact the week after the European Week of Regions and Cities. More news will follow.
UDITE with VEOLIA have bid for a stand in the environment networking area.