Entrées avec l'étiquette status .

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16 nov. 2023 - 16:15
If you were a footballer you might judge your success in goals. If you were a surgeon it might be the lives saved.  If you were a foster carer it would be the lives you have changed for the better. So how should the rest of us judge our careers?   Imagine that somebody asks you the following question: “How successful has your career been so far?” Would it be easy or hard to answer... Voir plus
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14 avr. 2021 - 06:23
Either because they don’t delegate appropriately or find it too difficult to prioritise but mostly because they attend the wrong meetings. They attend meeting based on whose chairing rather than the agenda. With the result they miss meetings that they really should have attended. The questions they should be asking are can I make a meaningful contribution? Do I need to attend every... Voir plus
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15 sept. 2019 - 15:32
If there is an ex directors breakfast  club I haven’t been offered membership. If they invited me I won’t go. But if I did this is what I would expect to hear.   I speak of the time before austerity of the time before the time before austerity. A time when we were practice led not financially driven. A time we believed we could make a real difference for the better. People say that is... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:40
The relationship between meetings and effective management is unproven. So why are organisations so wedded to them and why despite our lack of enthusiasm do we continue to view them as necessary? It’s all about status. Who chairs, who attends, who speaks and who records is all about status. Why else would a manager ask who else is attending before deciding whether to commit if this wasn’t... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:20
  A few years ago there was considerable surprise at research findings which appeared to show people would rather have a more impressive job title than a pay rise. The research confirmed just how much importance people attached to status in the workplace. So imagine how you would feel if your boss told you they were changing your job title from Director to” Head of” and just to confirm... Voir plus
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