Entries with tag management skills .

wrote a new blog post
17 May 2022 - 16:20
  It’s about working in a difficult environment, finding strong forces working against you and having to use up a lot of energy to make slow progress.  This can happen in any organisation at any level from the employee with a really good idea and an unreceptive manager to the Chief Executive dealing with an influential group within the board. It could be an HR team trying to push the... See more
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wrote a new blog post
03 Mar 2016 - 15:47
  Would you rather be managed by someone who has done your job all be it years ago or someone who had no experience of your work but was keen to learn? Do you think senior managers need a professional background in a service to run it properly or do you think management skills are transferable as long as managers are prepared to learn about the service and listen to experience... See more
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