Entrées avec l'étiquette inovation .

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09 août 2023 - 15:48
We are constantly urged to to meet the challenge of inadequate resources, budget pressures and ambitious performance targets by being creative and innovative. To come up with new ways of working that will solve existing problems without creating new ones. Think out side the box, come up with fresh ideas, think the unthinkable. Easier said than done. Where do you start. In the past you might... Voir plus
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13 juil. 2023 - 14:21
It’s a catchphrase about the need for dynamic change. The old ways don’t work, make things happen. To stay ahead you must move faster this requires innovation and experimentation which inevitably involves risk- breaking things. It’s the opposite of slow and cautious. It can led to recklessness and a disregard for the consequences. Something to bear in mind in the development of AI!  ... Voir plus
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27 mai 2022 - 09:54
 The difference between an NHS manager and a LA/ SSD manager is significant when considering the integration of health and social care and I believe has been under explored when considering the reasons for frustratingly slow progress. So here goes a rather undiplomatic account of over 30 years trying to make it work. As a new manager in Social Services I was quickly exposed to my ... Voir plus
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01 févr. 2019 - 10:04
Austerity set Local Authorities a very big challenge how to get smaller without too much pain?    You can shrink people as in the film Downsizing , this solution turned out to have its problems your money goes further but if your income is reduced then low pay, poor housing, inadequate health care and discrimination remain.  You can shrink resources as in the Monty Python... Voir plus
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