Cities and regions across Europe face many challenges in
collecting household waste while limiting the spread of the
coronavirus. Local authorities are very keen to exchange experiences
and on the measures taken to ensure continuity of service and the
safety of waste personnel .
While the situation varies in different European countries
according to local conditions and national regulation, a few recurring
trends and lessons can be observed.
NALAS, the Network of Local Authorities in South East Europe, will
host a series of three online panel discussions covering topics
ranging from maintaining waste management business operations, through
public health and safety of participants in the waste management
chain, ending with the issue of the resilience of the service during
and after the crises. The panel discussion series will bring together
practitioners in the field, local decision-makers, experts, general
managers of the waste management PUCs, local authorities and PUC
staff, representatives of the local government Associations, and NALAS
Task Force members to exchange experiences about the provision of
solid waste management service in the time of COVID-19 crises.
To register for the first Panel Discussion (20 May 2020, 14:00,
Zoom Platform), please click HERE.
The registration form also allows you to ask questions before the
event and we are inviting you to use this opportunity.
Rising demand, loss of staff
On the one hand, there are staff shortages in several countries
due to waste workers falling sick or being quarantined. On the other,
there is an increase in the need for their services. There has been a
significant rise in household waste, including food and other organic
waste, due to citizens staying at home.
There has also been a tremendous increase in bulky waste as
residents clear out their homes, leading to the shutdown of local
recycling centres to ensure social distancing and in an increase in
unauthorised dumping.
In some countries, such as Austria and Estonia, some local
private waste managers have stopped their activities at very short
notice because of the outbreak and local governments had to quickly
implement solutions to ensure continuity of service.
The recycling chain is facing challenges for some waste streams.
For textile or metals for example, collection is running as usual, but
the stores and factories which would normally buy these materials are
often closed. What’s more, the paper waste stream is thinning due to
stores no longer throwing away paper and cardboard. Factories
recycling to produce toilet paper or tissues are concerned about shortages.
In the majority of countries, dedicated task forces have been
created to assess the situation in real time and prepare contingency
plans. National governments are providing guidelines and
recommendations for local authorities. Waste services are considered
everywhere to be a key public service for the health of citizens and
are still running.
Several measures have been taken to adapt to the rise in waste
and reduction in waste personnel. Local governments are sometimes
joining forces with other public institutions and with private
companies to maintain waste collection. In Spain for instance, civil
protection units and even military emergency units are ensuring
collection where necessary. In Germany, the managers of commercial
waste, who otherwise have no customers due to store and restaurant
closures, are assisting public waste managers.
Many cities are prioritising waste streams. Food, organic,
residual and medical waste are typically given priority. The
collection of other streams, such as packaging and paper, can be
reduced if necessary.
In Spain, Italy and Germany, new protocols have been put in place
to manage waste from quarantined individuals. These people no longer
sort their own waste but put everything in one bag. Waste workers are
to be equipped with masks and individual protection, although this can
be difficult to achieve given the current shortages. In Germany, waste
personnel will soon be tested to check if they have been infected.
CEMR survey of recycling in local government
Meanwhile, a CEMR survey: recycling centres across Europe in times of COVID-19
Waste managers today face the challenge of maintaining their
services, often in the face of increased demand, while protecting
workers and users from infection. As many countries are beginning to
relax lockdown restrictions, CEMR organised a survey of its members to
determine the state of play concerning recycling centres and share
good practices.
Fifteen associations of local and regional governments from 12
countries* responded to the survey, which was completed on 21 April.
What the CEMR survey shows...
In almost all countries surveyed, recycling centres are open,
most often with restrictions. In almost half of countries, the
recycling centres were temporarily shut down, while in others they
always remained open. In only one country (the United Kingdom), were
the vast majority of recycling centres still closed at the time of the survey.
Various rules and restrictions are in place in the different
centres in order to minimise the risk of infection. In terms of
access, measures include allowing few visitors at the same time
through a temporary appointment system and reduced opening hours.
At some centres, users must remain in their cars in the waiting
line without personal access to the premises. Vulnerable or
sick/quarantined individuals may be banned from entry.
Many rules ensuring social distancing are in force. These include
the mandatory use of protective masks and gloves for users and
workers, cash free payments and no more assistance from workers to
unload waste.
Finally, recycling centres are to be used only for urgent
disposal and there may be limitations to the amount of waste one can deposit.
Why have recycling centres reopened?
Many recycling centres were forced to close at the beginning of
the lockdown. Some centres were initially unable to ensure social
distancing and many municipalities expected staff shortages due to
coronavirus infections.
Waste managers began to prioritise their services, such as by
focusing on front door collection of residual waste. However, due to
confinement, inhabitants have been decluttering their homes and
gardening more, without being able to get rid of the resulting waste.
This led to an unprecedented rise in unauthorised dumping of
waste and increased pressure to reopen recycling centres. For just
under half of survey respondents, the reopening of recycling centres
was due to a loosening of confinement, while for a slight majority
this was due to increased pressure.
Europe’s towns and cities have to manage and process some 250
million tonnes of municipal waste each year, 482 kg per inhabitant.