
Lights, camera, action!


It's been a dramatic week for us at Knowledge Hub central. We planned our first major conference outing, ran our first major online event and have throttled-up our migration schedule.

We are running a masterclass at the See IT in Action conference in Greenwich on Tuesday 21st Feb. The focus is using technology in public service. We are running with the title 'Using Social Media tools for innovation and knowledge management in the workplace'. A bit of a mouthful but we intend running throught the rationale for the LGA's current online offer and the case for Social tools in the workplace with some clear examples direct from Knowledge Hub. The team will be there so if you are about come along and say hi. Be great to meet F2F.

One of our examples will be taken from yesterdays online event. As part of International Social Media Week we ran '#localgov gets social' which was an online discussion using the #Khub bulletin boards. It was a fantastic success with 177 posts in a 2hr slot. Lively was not the word, I couldn't keep up! We even managed to break a thread half-way through but due to the quick thinking and dexterity of Jamie and Michelle we managed to get an alternate thread going to pick up the debate. No bones broken and no animals harmed!

We were thrilled with the response and we would like to say thanks very much to all of you who participated and contributed especially:

to name but a few. Thanks everybody for making it so interesting.

Finally, migration is well underway and we have used the first few weeks to make the process robust and scalable. We have had the odd bump on the road but this is par for the course in these situations and it's how you deal with the bad breaks that defines how well it works really. So having had a few things to work out on one or two problems I was very happy with how we dealt with it.

We are ramping up the numbers now with another 70-80 groups scheduled for this weekend. We have extended the migration window to include week days so if you want to move, my advice is to go for it. There will be a bit of a bottleneck in March I think so get in there now!

It's been a great week, it's been a tiring week, it's been a thrilling week. Thanks everyone who helped make it that way. See you on Tuesday if you're about in Greenwich.


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I'm emotionally drained just reading that! ;) Good week though.